Cybersecurity Advisory Services

GDPR Readiness

Effectively Protect Your Organization's Cloud Data

The vulnerability of data increases in line with the increase in data usage. With GDPR Compliance, Allions Group can help your organization to design, develop policies that govern how data(sensitive and non-sensitive) must be collected, processed, and erased.

General data protection regulation was put in place by the EU Commission to protect the right to freedom of people and how their data is collected and kept. The GDPR regulates how an organization collects data by minimizing the data collected and securing those data against breaches.

Kick-start your GDPR Readiness with Allions Group

We have a thorough knowledge of data protection services and offer services unique to your organization's environment.

We evaluate your organization's control framework and identify where your data is prone to cyber threats and blocks.
With our track records as cybersecurity experts, we offer webinars and training, providing insights on Payment Card Identity (PCI) and Data Security Standard.

 Lawfulness, Fairness, and transparency; all data are collected transparently without breaking the law.

 Purpose limitation. Before any data is released, the purpose must be specific, explicit, and legitimate.  privacy.

 Accuracy only relevant information needed is released and others are kept safe without breaching others